

AFC 2024 is offering 4 full-day post-conference sessions on the Monday immediately following the conference. The description and pricing for these sessions is described below.

Should you choose to take advantage of one of these additional learning opportunities, please go to the Session Selection page and click on the session you want. You will be asked to pay for the session on applying.
Please note that the Early Bird Rate for Post conference sessions ends on August 31st, so apply early to save money.

401 How to Programme for Beginner Clients with Nick Tumminello
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

You’ll get over 6 months of proven training programs for beginners. Coach Nick will cover everything from assessments and coaching to taking you step-by-step for training beginners. This practical course will teach you how to: • Choose which exercises are right (and wrong) for each person. • Determine the best lifting movements to use as a starting point. • Quickly fix faulty movements and eliminate pain • The best way to progress your clients.  

If you feel like you need the right information to take your training programs from good to great then this course is designed just for you. 

  • Identify and understand how to use the 4 phases of programming for beginners to ensure safe and effective progression.
  • Demonstrate coaching techniques and simple exercise modifications that quickly improve movement quality and eliminate pain with exercise.

Understand the optimal sets, reps and exercise sequences to use with beginners in each phase of their training progression.

402 Fitness Business Scaling Secrets with CJ Lee
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Ever wondered how you can start a fitness business from scratch and scale it to USD 7 figures? Are you stuck with your ability to get a consistent stream of clients and build a highly profitable recurring revenue? Are you struggling to build a great team that performs without you micromanaging or feeling frustrated with low performers?

This 1-day workshop will give fitness business owners the exact formula and framework that we use and how you can rinse and repeat to start, grow and scale your fitness business while enjoying what life has to bring.

Learning Objectives:

Why 92% of businesses failed and how you can do things differently by utilizing the Fitness Business Growth Canvas.
Discover the 3 most important things a fitness business owner must do to grow their business in the most predictable and consistent way.

403  YBELL Coaching Course TRX with Aaron Laurence
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Become a certified YBell Coach. This course will expand your training and YBell knowledge allowing you to create unique and highly variable workout sessions that are designed to improve your clients’ results and increase your business earnings.
Coach using various YBell grips and understand how different grips relate to traditional fitness tools. Learn:
– Coach YBell workouts
– Vary YBell exercises to create a broad range of movements to suit all clients
– Understand how to program YBell using the YBell Pod Programming System

404 ZUMBA (R) Basic Level 1 with Monthira Lerat and Marina Subhananta
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

This introductory training will give you the tools you need to lead your own Zumba® class. Learn the Zumba® formula, our four basic rhythms and more!

Receive your license to begin teaching Zumba® classes immediately.
Get access to even more tools to help you start teaching faster and changing lives sooner.

What to Expect

Pre-Training Session Optional to join/Highly recommended (Your Zumba Education Specialist will send you an email notification with the date and time).

Learn how to teach the basic steps to the four Zumba® core rhythms: Merengue, Salsa, Cumbia, and Reggaeton.

Using the Zumba® formula, learn how to identify different parts of a song and apply the basic steps to build an effective Zumba class.

Practice live with a Zumba Education Specialist to gain confidence to teach sooner.

Get the opportunity to receive monthly choreographies and music + ongoing support.